Family Ministries Collectives
The Family Ministries Collectives are designed to help you engage and strengthen one of the cornerstone’s of your church community, thriving families. Learn how to minister to not just the people within the family, but connect with the family as a whole!
Engaging Parents in 2020
The most influential person in the life of a child is his or her parent. When we understand this, we understand just how critical it is to engage with the moms and dads we serve. In this collective we’ll discuss tried and true principles that will increase parent engagement and make room for greater impact.
Developing and Implementing a Leader Pipeline
If volunteers are the lifeblood of your ministry, volunteer leaders are at the heart of it all. If you want to create momentum as you head into the New Year, you’re going to need a healthy influx of high capacity leaders. In this collective, we'll work together to systematically identify and grow those individuals whom God has placed in your charge.
Volunteers. We love them. We need them. We need more of them! Ministry Volunteers are the life-line of any healthy and growing ministry, but recruiting, retaining and training continues to be the no. 1 stumbling block in most churches. In this collective you’ll learn the essentials to creating and maintaining a healthy volunteer driven ministry.