Developing and Implementing a Leader Pipeline Collective
Collective Overview
Main Objective - In this collective, we'll work together to systematically identify and grow those individuals whom God has placed in your charge.
Major Topics - Establishing a Culture of Leader Development, Creating and Implementing a Leader Pipeline, and Identifying Leader Pipeline Candidates.
Duration - 3 Months.
Schedule - Meets monthly via Video Conference (Zoom) for 1.5 Hours. See session information for exact time.
Collective Size - 7 to 12 people.
Expectations - Participants should expect 3 hours of reading/pre-work each month and a 1.5 hour meeting.
Jessica Bealer
(Click Here for Full Bio)
A word about this collective
If volunteers are the lifeblood of your ministry, volunteer leaders are at the heart of it all. If you want to create momentum as you head into the New Year, you’re going to need a healthy influx of high capacity leaders. In this collective you will not only receive monthly teachings, but also shared resources and fresh insights and Ideas along with under ministry leaders that are trying to make life transforming impact in the lives of ministry and volunteer leaders!
Available Sessions
(Click on event to Sign-Up or for More Info!)